Advantages of LED traffic lights

At present, the incandescent lamp is replaced by super bright LED , which is used in traffic lights, warning lights and sign lights all over the world. Compared with incandescent lamps, LED traffic lights have the advantages of low power consumption, long service life and large size. The increase in brightness makes it an ideal source for future traffic lights.

1. Good visibility:

LED traffic lights can maintain good visibility and performance indicators under severe weather conditions such as continuous illumination, rain, and dust. The light emitted by the LED is monochromatic light, so there is no need to use color chips to generate red, yellow and green signal colors; the light emitted by the LED has directivity and a certain divergence angle, thereby eliminating the use of traditional signal lamps. Aspherical mirror. This feature of LED solves the illusion of traditional signal lights (commonly known as false display) and color fading problems, improving light efficiency.

2, power saving:

The advantage of LED light source in energy saving is very obvious. One of its remarkable features is low energy consumption, which is very meaningful for the application of lamps. LED traffic lights almost 100% of the LED's excitation energy becomes visible light, compared to 80% of incandescent bulbs as heat loss, only 20% become visible light.

3. Low heat energy:

The LED is directly converted into a light source by electric energy, and the generated heat is extremely low and hardly generates heat. The cooled surface of the LED traffic light prevents burns from maintenance personnel and results in a longer life.

4, long life:

The working environment of the lamp is relatively harsh, with severe cold and heat, sun and rain, so the reliability of the lamp is high. The average life of an incandescent bulb for general signal lamps is 1000h, and the average life of a low-voltage halogen bulb is 2000h, resulting in high maintenance costs. LED traffic lights have no filament damage and damage, and there is no glass cover cracking problem.

5, the response is fast:

Tungsten-halogen bulbs, such as LED traffic lights, are faster in response time, thus reducing the occurrence of accidents.

Due to the important role of traffic light in urban traffic, a large number of traffic lights need to be updated every year, which leads to a relatively large market. After all, high profits are also beneficial to the development of LED production and design companies. For the entire LED industry. Benign stimulation

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