Electroacoustic national and industry standards

1. National standards:
GB / T 10240-1988 Specification for editing and production of program source for subjective evaluation of sound quality of electroacoustic products
GB / T 13157-1991 35mm film optical soundtrack echo sound frequency response characteristics
GB / T 15397-1994 Measurement method for electro-acoustic frequency response characteristics of A-ring and B-ring in movie recording control room, appraisal screening room and indoor cinema
GB3241 1/1 and 1/3 octave filters for sound and vibration analysis
GB3661 Technical conditions for testing condenser microphones
GB3785 sound level meter electrical and acoustic performance and measurement methods
GB3947 Acoustic terms
GB / T 13156-1991 Technical requirements for architectural acoustics of cinema auditorium
GBT XXXX "Specifications for acoustic design of theaters, cinemas and multi-purpose halls"
Acoustic characteristics of GYJ25 hall sound reinforcement system
GB / T 4959-1995 Hall sound reinforcement characteristics measurement method
GB / T14218-93 Electronic dimming equipment performance parameters and measurement methods
SJ2112-82 The optimal electrical connection value for the interconnection of hall sound reinforcement system equipment
GYJ-25 and GB4959, two important national standards, almost all projects need to use them as the basis for design, construction, and acceptance.
GB / T14218-93 and SJ2112-82, these two standards can play an important role in equipment selection and engineering test acceptance.
2. Industry standard:
WH0301—93 Acoustic characteristic index and measurement method of sound reinforcement system
JGJ 57-2000 Theater Building Design Code
JGJ / T131-2000 Gym Acoustics Design and Measurement Regulations
The world premiere of the technical zone! ROHM has developed the power supply IC "BD372xx series" for high-quality audio. A practical guide for the purchase of home wireless routers. Understanding the circuit diagram and working principle of the audio. Talking about the "frequency response curve" in the audio. Deep dismantling report of the M0pro speaker: both internal and external

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