Recent friends are eager to try VR games, intend to build PC-side VR platform, spent a lot of thought to buy VR helmets, to prepare VR host computer hardware. However, the player has encountered a thorny problem in the purchase of computer hardware. The VR video card is almost in the "out of stock" state. Even if there is an "on sale" VR video card, its price is based on the original price. With a markup of at least 70%, a single VR card has already occupied and exceeded 50% of the VR host budget.
Take the AMD RX580, which is sold out of the current market as an example. The price was only 1799~2199 yuan a month ago, and it is already 3,000 yuan already. It is difficult to get a card.
Xiao Bian learned from the e-commerce site's online comment that recently Bitcoin prices have been advancing rapidly. There are mainly two ways to obtain Bitcoin. One is through virtual currency trading platforms, and the other is using graphics cards and other computing devices. "" These out-of-stock video cards are mainly used for "mining."
About Bitcoin
Although the recent skyrocketing of Bitcoin is already a street news, it is not ruled out that some friends in the industry have not heard of it yet. Bitcoin is a digital virtual currency and has no physical form. Its English name is Bitcoin, the abbreviation BTC, and transliteration into Chinese is Bitcoin. It is "calculated" through the computer's CPU (central processing unit) or GPU (graphics processor, video card's "heart") or other processor, downloads dedicated bitcoin computing tools, and then registers various cooperation sites. , Fill in the registered user name and password into the calculation program, and then click the operation to start formally. Since the GPU has a very substantial computing power, the graphics card has become a major production tool - "a good mining equipment."
On April 26 this year, the bitcoin price was $1282, while the international gold price of one ounce was only $1264. Bitcoin prices once again exceeded the international gold price. On June 12, the Bitcoin price exceeded the US$3,000 mark for the first time and reached US$3012. At this time, it exceeded twice the international gold price.
For the Bitcoin mining industry, costs include bitcoin mining, electricity, and labor, and the maximum cost of a mining machine is the number of cards. The AMD RX 480/580 and NVDIA GTX 1060 with the best computing power and price linkage are in the greatest demand. Moreover, these 3 graphics cards are the graphics cards for a new generation of manufacturing technology. Their power consumption and heat reduction are quite low, which indirectly reduces the number of miners. Power consumption and cooling requirements. The geometric exponential growth of the Bitcoin price has greatly stimulated the Bitcoin miners. In order to dig Bitcoin and expand the number of miner's machines, they scan the goods in the graphics card market. AMD's high-end graphics cards are completely out of stock. NVIDIA high-end graphics cards are also in stock. In an emergency, AMD, NVIDIA even tailored for the miners "special mining card does not show the output interface."
Let the VR industry lay guns, MD RX 480/580, NVDIA GTX 1060 is precisely the most important entry-level graphics card VR host, has become a huge obstacle to the popularity of VR host.
According to industry partners, the Radeon RX 470 graphics card is the fastest, only 57.31 days. The overall efficiency of the GeForce GTX 1070 is the worst and it takes 100.52 days to return.
High-end graphics cards are hot, but video card vendors are happy. The rise of VR games has given a good entry point for high-end graphics cards. Nowadays, these graphics cards have become mining tools for bitcoin miners, and the majority of gamers and VR players have found it difficult to obtain a card. This is obviously not conducive to the promotion and long-term survival of video cards.
The dealers in the face of high-end graphics card in short supply, double the price increase, the industry has a new term for this behavior: "Fried cards." Consumers scoff at it and don’t buy it. A large number of players are not willing to pay for premium mid-to-high-end graphics cards, and do not see low-end graphics cards that have not been affected by prices.
According to the 2017 Q1VR headline report released by IDC, HTC Vive Q1 shipments reached 191,000 units, Oculus Rift shipped 100,000 units, and the two did not add up to PSVR. The latter sold Q1. 429,000 units. Although PSVR does not have the performance of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, the combination of features with the PS4 or PS4 Pro gives it a broad user base (plus cheap). If the PC market is not due to the VR Ready host price being affected by mining storms, it is estimated that the host-based PC head display can also sell more, and practitioners can also receive an additional 35 or more buckets.
So pray for Bitcoin to plunge...
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