"Water Story" is a fantasy drama produced by the American Forth Searchlight Company, directed by Gilmore Del Toro and starring Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, and Doug Jones. The story is set in the 1962 Cold War era in the United States and tells the story of a strange love story between the dumb woman Eliza, who worked in the lab as a bottom job, and an experimental mermaid.
The opening of “Water Story†is a way of telling a fairy tale, a story about dumb princess getting true love. But this dumb reality is only a cleaner at a research institute. When an orphan was adopted from a young age, then when an amphibious frogman emerged as a new experiment in the Institute, there was an ambiguity between them. The main line of the movie is the story of how Alice, the heroine, broke through and hunted down to save the frogman and eventually fell in love with it.
The core of this movie is not only to reflect on the Cold War. Through the lens of the director, the female Alice Elsa, this seemingly introverted but eager to have different cleaners and dumb women as origins, blacks, same-sex, and spies, these Cold War period The crowd on the edge of the background even represented the middle class in the United States at the time. The villain who seemed to have a happy life, Richard, the head of the government laboratory, and their inner portrayal of loneness, became the film's true goal to evoke the audience. "The medium of this emotion, in this very scarce love story, that love across the species has become so pure and precious.
Although Shui Yuan Wu Yu used loneliness to reflect the beauty of love and made a profound exploration of human nature, in fact, the other side of the film also exposed a problem. This is because it neglected the emotion of the role of mermaid. In the movie, the director has been working hard to impress the audience through the pure and visual impact of love, but he has hardly made an in-depth depiction of the emotional changes of the mermaid itself. This has enabled the movie to develop love between the mermaid and the woman. It is more like a kind of compassion, but in the fairy tale environment set by the director, love becomes infinitely amplified through loneliness.
Users who use smart TV/TV boxes can install iQiyi TV version through the sofa butler client to watch “Water Story†broadcast on the entire network.
The iQI TV version downloaded by the sofa butler
The opening of “Water Story†is a way of telling a fairy tale, a story about dumb princess getting true love. But this dumb reality is only a cleaner at a research institute. When an orphan was adopted from a young age, then when an amphibious frogman emerged as a new experiment in the Institute, there was an ambiguity between them. The main line of the movie is the story of how Alice, the heroine, broke through and hunted down to save the frogman and eventually fell in love with it.
The core of this movie is not only to reflect on the Cold War. Through the lens of the director, the female Alice Elsa, this seemingly introverted but eager to have different cleaners and dumb women as origins, blacks, same-sex, and spies, these Cold War period The crowd on the edge of the background even represented the middle class in the United States at the time. The villain who seemed to have a happy life, Richard, the head of the government laboratory, and their inner portrayal of loneness, became the film's true goal to evoke the audience. "The medium of this emotion, in this very scarce love story, that love across the species has become so pure and precious.
Although Shui Yuan Wu Yu used loneliness to reflect the beauty of love and made a profound exploration of human nature, in fact, the other side of the film also exposed a problem. This is because it neglected the emotion of the role of mermaid. In the movie, the director has been working hard to impress the audience through the pure and visual impact of love, but he has hardly made an in-depth depiction of the emotional changes of the mermaid itself. This has enabled the movie to develop love between the mermaid and the woman. It is more like a kind of compassion, but in the fairy tale environment set by the director, love becomes infinitely amplified through loneliness.
Users who use smart TV/TV boxes can install iQiyi TV version through the sofa butler client to watch “Water Story†broadcast on the entire network.
The iQI TV version downloaded by the sofa butler
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