American researchers develop lie detectors to identify terrorists

The robot system is called “Real-Time Lie Detection Automatic Virtual Agent”. It can capture physiological signals that may lie through a series of sensors. Once a suspicious sign appears, the system will issue a warning sign indicating that the passenger needs to be further examined to prevent terrorists. Mixed in. When passengers are standing in front of a lie detector, they will be asked a series of questions, such as “Do you have fruit or vegetables in your luggage” or “Is there a weapon on you?” The polygraph robot can detect passengers’ eyes. The voice, gestures, and gestures determine whether the passenger has a potential threat and can sense it even if he or she rolls his tongue. In addition, in order to exclude passengers from similar liar situations caused by too much tension, it also asks other unrelated questions to ease passengers' emotions. According to researchers, the lie detector robot can be used not only for security inspections, but also for other scenes such as law enforcement and job interviews.

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