In the previous tutorial, I told you about building a kinect application based on the Dragonboard 410c development board to implement automatic follow-up robots. Today we talk about implementing face recognition.
First, the core code: //------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft CorporaTIon. All rights reserved.
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
// Defines the entry point for the applicaTIon.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SingleFace.h"
#include "EggAvatar.h"
#include "FTHelper.h"
Class SingleFace
SingleFace ()
: m_hInst ( NULL )
, m_hWnd ( NULL )
, m_hAccelTable ( NULL )
, m_pImageBuffer ( NULL )
, m_pVideoBuffer ( NULL )
, m_colorType ( NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR )
, m_depthRes ( NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240 )
, m_colorRes ( NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480 )
, m_bNearMode ( TRUE )
, m_bSeatedSkeletonMode ( FALSE )
Int Run ( HINSTANCE hInst , PWSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow );
BOOL InitInstance ( HINSTANCE hInst , PWSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow );
Void ParseCmdString ( PWSTR lpCmdLine );
Void UninitInstance ();
ATOM RegisterClass ( PCWSTR szWindowClass );
Static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProcStatic ( HWND hwnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
Static INT_PTR CALLBACK About ( HWND hwnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam );
BOOL PaintWindow ( HDC hdc , HWND hWnd );
BOOL ShowVideo ( HDC hdc , int width , int height , int originX , int originY );
BOOL ShowEggAvatar ( HDC hdc , int width , int height , int originX , int originY );
Static void FTHelperCallingBack ( LPVOID lpParam );
Static int const MaxLoadStringChars = 100 ;
HWND m_hWnd ;
HACCEL m_hAccelTable ;
EggAvatar m_eggavatar ;
FTHelper m_FTHelper ;
IFTImage * m_pImageBuffer ;
IFTImage * m_pVideoBuffer ;
NUI_IMAGE_TYPE m_depthType ;
NUI_IMAGE_TYPE m_colorType ;
BOOL m_bNearMode ;
BOOL m_bSeatedSkeletonMode ;
// Run the SingleFace application.
Int SingleFace :: Run ( HINSTANCE hInst , PWSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow )
MSG msg = { static_cast < HWND > ( 0 ), static_cast < UINT > ( 0 ), static_cast < WPARAM > ( - 1 )};
If ( InitInstance ( hInst , lpCmdLine , nCmdShow ))
// Main message loop:
While ( GetMessage ( & msg , NULL , 0 , 0 ))
If ( ! TranslateAccelerator ( msg . hwnd , m_hAccelTable , & msg ))
TranslateMessage ( & msg );
DispatchMessage ( & msg );
UninitInstance ();
Return ( int ) msg . wParam ;
// In this function, we save the instance handle, then create and display the main program window.
BOOL SingleFace :: InitInstance ( HINSTANCE hInstance , PWSTR lpCmdLine , int nCmdShow )
m_hInst = hInstance ; // Store instance handle in our global variable
ParseCmdString ( lpCmdLine );
WCHAR szTitle [ MaxLoadStringChars ]; // The title bar text
LoadString ( m_hInst , IDS_APP_TITLE , szTitle , ARRAYSIZE ( szTitle ));
Static const PCWSTR RES_MAP [] = { L"80x60" , L"320x240" , L"640x480" , L"1280x960" };
Static const PCWSTR IMG_MAP [] = { L"PLAYERID" , L"RGB" , L"YUV" , L"YUV_RAW" , L"DEPTH" };
// Add mode params in title
WCHAR szTitleComplete [ MAX_PATH ];
Swprintf_s ( szTitleComplete , L"%s -- Depth:%s:%s Color:%s:%s NearMode:%s, SeatedSkeleton:%s" , szTitle ,
IMG_MAP [ m_depthType ], ( m_depthRes < 0 ) ? L"ERROR" : RES_MAP [ m_depthRes ], IMG_MAP [ m_colorType ], ( m_colorRes < 0 ) ? L"ERROR" : RES_MAP [ m_colorRes ], m_bNearMode ? L"ON" : L "OFF" ,
m_bSeatedSkeletonMode ? L"ON" : L"OFF" );
WCHAR szWindowClass [ MaxLoadStringChars ]; // the main window class name
LoadString ( m_hInst , IDC_SINGLEFACE , szWindowClass , ARRAYSIZE ( szWindowClass ));
RegisterClass ( szWindowClass );
m_hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators ( hInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDC_SINGLEFACE ));
m_pImageBuffer = FTCreateImage ();
m_pVideoBuffer = FTCreateImage ();
m_hWnd = CreateWindow ( szWindowClass , szTitleComplete , WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ,
CW_USEDEFAULT , 0 , CW_USEDEFAULT , 0 , NULL , NULL , m_hInst , this );
If ( ! m_hWnd )
Return FALSE ;
ShowWindow ( m_hWnd , nCmdShow );
UpdateWindow ( m_hWnd );
Return SUCCEEDED ( m_FTHelper . Init ( m_hWnd ,
FTHelperCallingBack ,
This ,
m_depthType ,
m_depthRes ,
m_bNearMode ,
TRUE , // if near mode doesn't work, fall back to default mode
m_colorType ,
m_colorRes ,
m_bSeatedSkeletonMode ));
Void SingleFace :: UninitInstance ()
// Clean up the memory allocated for Face Tracking and rendering.
m_FTHelper . Stop ();
If ( m_hAccelTable )
DestroyAcceleratorTable ( m_hAccelTable );
m_hAccelTable = NULL ;
DestroyWindow ( m_hWnd );
m_hWnd = NULL ;
If ( m_pImageBuffer )
m_pImageBuffer -> Release ();
m_pImageBuffer = NULL ;
If ( m_pVideoBuffer )
m_pVideoBuffer -> Release ();
m_pVideoBuffer = NULL ;
// Register the window class.
ATOM SingleFace :: RegisterClass ( PCWSTR szWindowClass )
WNDCLASSEX wcex = { 0 };
Wcex . cbSize = sizeof ( WNDCLASSEX );
Wcex . style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ;
Wcex . lpfnWndProc = & SingleFace :: WndProcStatic ;
Wcex . cbClsExtra = 0 ;
Wcex . cbWndExtra = 0 ;
Wcex . hInstance = m_hInst ;
Wcex . hIcon = LoadIcon ( m_hInst , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDI_SINGLEFACE ));
Wcex . hCursor = LoadCursor ( NULL , IDC_ARROW );
Wcex . hbrBackground = ( HBRUSH )( COLOR_WINDOW + 1 );
Wcex . lpszClassName = szWindowClass ;
Return RegisterClassEx ( & wcex );
LRESULT CALLBACK SingleFace :: WndProcStatic ( HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
Static SingleFace * pThis = NULL ; // cheating, but since there is just one window now, it will suffice.
If ( WM_CREATE == message )
pThis = reinterpret_cast < SingleFace *> ( reinterpret_cast < CREATESTRUCT *> ( lParam ) -> lpCreateParams );
Return pThis ? pThis -> WndProc ( hWnd , message , wParam , lParam ) : DefWindowProc ( hWnd , message , wParam , lParam );
// PURPOSE: Processes messages for the main window.
// WM_COMMAND - process the application menu
// WM_KEYUP - Exit in response to ESC key
// WM_PAINT - Paint the main window
// WM_DESTROY - post a quit message and return
LRESULT CALLBACK SingleFace :: WndProc ( HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
UINT wmId , wmEvent ;
HDC hdc ;
Switch ( message )
wmId = LOWORD ( wParam );
wmEvent = HIWORD ( wParam );
// Parse the menu selections:
Switch ( wmId )
DialogBox ( m_hInst , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDD_ABOUTBOX ), hWnd , About );
Break ;
case IDM_EXIT:
PostQuitMessage ( 0 );
Break ;
Return DefWindowProc ( hWnd , message , wParam , lParam );
Break ;
case WM_KEYUP:
If ( wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
PostQuitMessage ( 0 );
Break ;
Hdc = BeginPaint ( hWnd , & ps );
// Draw the avatar window and the video window
PaintWindow ( hdc , hWnd );
EndPaint ( hWnd , & ps );
Break ;
PostQuitMessage ( 0 );
Break ;
Return DefWindowProc ( hWnd , message , wParam , lParam );
Return 0 ;
// Message handler for about box.
INT_PTR CALLBACK SingleFace :: About ( HWND hDlg , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
Switch ( message )
Return ( INT_PTR ) TRUE ;
If ( LOWORD ( wParam ) == IDOK || LOWORD ( wParam ) == IDCANCEL )
EndDialog ( hDlg , LOWORD ( wParam ));
Return ( INT_PTR ) TRUE ;
Break ;
Return ( INT_PTR ) FALSE ;
// Drawing the video window
BOOL SingleFace :: ShowVideo ( HDC hdc , int width , int height , int originX , int originY )
BOOL ret = TRUE ;
// Now, copy a fraction of the camera image into the screen.
IFTImage * colorImage = m_FTHelper . GetColorImage ();
If ( colorImage )
Int iWidth = colorImage -> GetWidth ();
Int iHeight = colorImage -> GetHeight ();
If ( iWidth > 0 && iHeight > 0 )
Int iTop = 0 ;
Int iBottom = iHeight ;
Int iLeft = 0 ;
Int iRight = iWidth ;
// Keep a separate buffer.
If ( m_pVideoBuffer && SUCCEEDED ( m_pVideoBuffer -> Allocate ( iWidth , iHeight , FTIMAGEFORMAT_UINT8_B8G8R8A8 )))
// Copy do the video buffer while converting bytes
colorImage -> CopyTo ( m_pVideoBuffer , NULL , 0 , 0 );
// Compute the best approximate copy ratio.
Float w1 = ( float ) iHeight * ( float ) width ;
Float w2 = ( float ) iWidth * ( float ) height ;
If ( w2 > w1 && height > 0 )
// video image too wide
Float wx = w1 / height ;
iLeft = ( int ) max ( 0 , m_FTHelper . GetXCenterFace () - wx / 2 );
iRight = iLeft + ( int ) wx ;
If ( iRight > iWidth )
iRight = iWidth ;
iLeft = iRight - ( int ) wx ;
Else if ( w1 > w2 && width > 0 )
// video image too narrow
Float hy = w2 / width ;
iTop = ( int ) max ( 0 , m_FTHelper . GetYCenterFace () - hy / 2 );
iBottom = iTop + ( int ) hy ;
If ( iBottom > iHeight )
iBottom = iHeight ;
iTop = iBottom - ( int ) hy ;
Int const bmpPixSize = m_pVideoBuffer -> GetBytesPerPixel ();
SetStretchBltMode ( hdc , HALFTONE );
BITMAPINFO bmi = { sizeof ( BITMAPINFO ), iWidth , iHeight , 1 , static_cast < WORD > ( bmpPixSize * CHAR_BIT ), BI_RGB , m_pVideoBuffer -> GetStride () * iHeight , 5000 , 5000 , 0 , 0 };
If ( 0 == StretchDIBits ( hdc , originX , originY , width , height ,
iLeft , iBottom , iRight - iLeft , iTop - iBottom , m_pVideoBuffer -> GetBuffer (), & bmi , DIB_RGB_COLORS , SRCCOPY ))
Ret = FALSE ;
Return ret ;
// Drawing code
BOOL SingleFace :: ShowEggAvatar ( HDC hdc , int width , int height , int originX , int originY )
Static int errCount = 0 ;
BOOL ret = FALSE ;
If ( m_pImageBuffer && SUCCEEDED ( m_pImageBuffer -> Allocate ( width , height , FTIMAGEFORMAT_UINT8_B8G8R8A8 )))
memset (m_pImageBuffer -> GetBuffer () , 0, m_pImageBuffer -> GetStride () * height); // clear to black
M_eggavatar . SetScaleAndTranslationToWindow ( height , width );
M_eggavatar . DrawImage ( m_pImageBuffer );
BITMAPINFO bmi = { sizeof ( BITMAPINFO ), width , height , 1 , static_cast < WORD > ( m_pImageBuffer -> GetBytesPerPixel () * CHAR_BIT ), BI_RGB , m_pImageBuffer -> GetStride () * height , 5000 , 5000 , 0 , 0 };
errCount += ( 0 == StretchDIBits ( hdc , 0 , 0 , width , height , 0 , 0 , width , height , m_pImageBuffer -> GetBuffer (), & bmi , DIB_RGB_COLORS , SRCCOPY ));
Ret = TRUE ;
Return ret ;
// Draw the egg head and the camera video with the mask superimposed.
BOOL SingleFace :: PaintWindow ( HDC hdc , HWND hWnd )
Static int errCount = 0 ;
BOOL ret = FALSE ;
RECT rect ;
GetClientRect ( hWnd , & rect );
Int width = rect . right - rect . left ;
Int height = rect . bottom - rect . top ;
Int halfWidth = width / 2 ;
// Show the video on the right of the window
errCount += ! ShowVideo ( hdc , width - halfWidth , height , halfWidth , 0 );
// Draw the egg avatar on the left of the window
errCount += ! ShowEggAvatar ( hdc , halfWidth , height , 0 , 0 );
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