Stereolabs Launches ZED Mini Camera to Change VR Device Seconds to AR Header

The ZED Mini is a mini version of a stereo depth mapping camera developed by stereo camera company Stereolabs. It can be used as an amplification device for Rift and VIVE to provide real-time shooting video transmission, depth perception, and environment mapping for the head display, and turn the VR head display into an AR head display.

The ZED Mini has a special pedestal designed to mount a Rift or Vive. The distance between the two cameras is 65mm. By comparing the different images captured by the two cameras from different angles, a depth map of the scene is constructed. According to the official, the furthest detection distance is currently 15 meters. The camera can also build the geometry of the environment in real-time and use the on-board IMU to fuse the data so that position tracking can be performed in the AR environment.

However, this kind of conversion AR head display also has its advantages and disadvantages, because the imaging is based on the principle of covering reality, so the translucent image on the lens of the AR avatar will not appear, preventing interference. On the other hand, there is no video camera with a resolution comparable to the eye, so it is still less than fidelity.

Following the wireless suite, this AR conversion camera is the most likely target for the VR headset. The ZED Mini has already begun pre-sales and is expected to start shipping in November.

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