IC abbreviation integrated circuit, is a large number of micro components (such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc.) formed by the integrated circuit, and built-in chip inside. The chip we all see is a miniature circuit diagram. The crystal oscillator next to the IC is also called the IC crystal. When the IC is in operation, all micro-components must work in sequential order. Both the crystal oscillator and the IC are connected through the copper wire on the PCB. The PCB is just like the road. The car is running current or voltage, and the red street lamp is the command and communication safety. The red street lamp works like a crystal.
Why is there always a crystal body next to the IC? Yang Hing tells you that because the crystal oscillator is to provide the time allocation of the sequential work of each component, the IC can work normally. Of course, the distance between the IC and the crystal oscillator is also exquisite, because taking into account the reasons of electromagnetic waves, and the IC itself can not identify magnetic energy, it can only be based on the principle of electromagnetic induction magnetic energy changes will cause changes in electrical energy, IC can identify current, voltage changes.
If the connection between the crystal oscillator and the IC is long, the stronger the electromagnetic wave interference, the stronger the generated electric energy. When it reaches a certain level, the internal circuit can not be synchronized and the operation stops. Therefore, in order to reduce interference, the closer the crystal oscillator is to the IC, the better.
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